Sep 10, 2024

Meet DigitalCarbon: The Startup Making 3D Simpler Than Ever

Image source:; 3d modelling made easy


Imagine taking a regular photo on your phone and—within seconds—having it transformed into an immersive, interactive 3D experience. No need for high-tech cameras, no slow rendering processes, and definitely no coding expertise. This is exactly what DigitalCarbon, a trailblazing startup fresh out of Y Combinator, is offering. It’s taking the complexity out of 3D and putting powerful technology in the hands of everyday users.

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How We Got Here: The Old Way of Doing 3D

3D modeling has long been an industry ruled by professionals. To create something in 3D, you’d typically need expensive cameras, specialized software, and hours—if not days—of rendering time. If you wanted a 3D walk-through of a home or an interactive model of a product, it involved layers of technology and lots of skill.But the problem wasn’t just the time or the cost. 3D technology wasn’t easily accessible to industries like real estate or e-commerce that could benefit immensely from immersive experiences. It was, for lack of a better word, stuck in the hands of the few who had the resources and expertise to make it work.

Image source:; The old ways of 3d modelling required heavy tools and tedious work for hours .

DigitalCarbon’s Game-Changing Solution

DigitalCarbon flips that narrative. It allows you to take ordinary images or videos and transforms them into high-quality 3D scenes that you can interact with—all without needing specialized equipment or slow, cumbersome rendering software. Imagine using just your smartphone to create a virtual tour of a home or to show off a product in an online store in 3D. Now, why does that matter? It makes 3D experiences faster, more affordable, and more widely accessible. By eliminating the technical barriers, it opens up a new world of possibilities for a wide range of industries.

Video credit : Youtube/digital Carbon

Who Stands to Gain the Most?

This isn’t just tech for tech’s sake. The industries that will see the biggest impact include:

1-Real Estate: Picture a virtual home tour that’s so lifelike you feel like you’re walking through the space. You don’t have to be there in person, and the quality is unmatched.

2- E-commerce: Online shopping can be impersonal, but imagine being able to explore a product in 3D, turning it around to see it from every angle. That’s an experience people will remember, and it leads to more confident purchasing decisions.

3- Tourism: What if you could “visit” a vacation spot before booking your trip? With immersive previews, travel companies can draw in more customers by letting them experience the destination virtually.

4- Drone Mapping: This is a big one for industries like construction and infrastructure. Drone operators can capture and convert aerial footage into 3D models for precise, real-time assessments of everything from rooftops to roadways.

Behind the Scenes: The Brains Behind DigitalCarbon

The founders, Guru Rao and Michael Nguyen, aren’t strangers to AI and cutting-edge technology. Before starting DigitalCarbon, they were key figures at AssemblyAI, another Y Combinator company focused on speech recognition. Their expertise is now focused on democratizing 3D technology, making it faster, cheaper, and more accessible to the masses. The exciting part? DigitalCarbon’s technology can render these 3D environments at over 100 frames per second on everyday devices. In simpler terms, this means no lag, no delays, and a seamless experience that feels almost real.

What’s Next for DigitalCarbon?

DigitalCarbon is not just sitting on its hands. They’re currently inviting beta testers, especially from the real estate and e-commerce sectors, to test the platform and provide feedback. They’re also looking to connect with decision-makers in PropTech and related fields who can help take this technology to the next level. Whether you’re a realtor looking to offer virtual tours, a retailer wanting to boost online engagement, or someone curious about the next wave of digital experiences, DigitalCarbon has something to offer. Ready to see what they’re about? Check out their demos and learn more at their [official website](

Image source:; The technology will get better over time

This is not just another AI company. This is a platform that has the potential to change how we experience the world through screens. By breaking down the barriers to entry, DigitalCarbon is making 3D technology something that any business—no matter how big or small—can use. And that’s something worth getting excited about.