Jun 10, 2023

Africa's Thriving Gaming Market: Unleashing Untapped Potential

Step into the world of gaming, where Africa is making its mark as a continent with immense untapped potential. The African gaming market is booming, driven by the widespread availability of affordable mobile devices that are empowering a new generation of gamers. The continent's gaming industry is on the verge of explosive growth, and those who seize this opportunity will reap remarkable success.

Africa, known for its rapid growth in various sectors, is now becoming a powerhouse in the gaming world. With a large population of avid gamers seeking fresh and exhilarating experiences, the continent has established itself as the fifth-largest gaming market globally, as reported by NewZoo in 2020. The gaming revenue in Africa reached a staggering $3.3 billion that year, a number expected to soar to $3.9 billion by 2023. The surge in revenue is fuelled by the increasing availability of mobile devices, improved internet access, and the emergence of online gaming platforms.

In Africa, mobile gaming takes center stage, given the region's substantial mobile subscriber base, accounting for approximately 24% of the world's mobile subscribers in 2020, according to a report by the GSMA. The affordability of mobile devices and improved internet connectivity have played pivotal roles in propelling the online gaming industry across the continent. With an estimated 87 million active gamers in Africa, the potential for growth is boundless.

Mobile Data Traffic per Smartphone

Moreover, Africa is home to a vibrant population of young individuals seeking an outlet for their energy and creativity. The continent boasts some of the world's most passionate gamers, eager to share their skills and enthusiasm with fellow enthusiasts. As the gaming market continues to expand, Africa is positioned to seize this opportunity and establish itself as a global leader.

Nevertheless, the gaming industry in Africa faces its share of challenges. Access to internet infrastructure remains limited in many regions, hindering the industry's growth. Payment systems are also not widely accessible, impeding the monetisation potential for developers and publishers. Furthermore, the absence of strong support from governments and policy makers poses additional obstacles. African countries often lack the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks to protect intellectual property and combat piracy effectively. However, despite these hurdles, the gaming industry in Africa is thriving, with an expected upward trajectory in the years to come.

Console gaming currently dominates the African gaming landscape due to the affordability of gaming consoles and related software and services. However, the tides are turning, as mobile and PC games gain prominence. As smartphones and PCs become increasingly accessible to the population, more individuals are exploring the captivating world of gaming, diversifying the market and paving the way for exciting opportunities.

The future of the gaming industry in Africa is exceptionally promising. As the number of gamers on the continent continues to surge, the gaming sector is poised to become a vital player in the African economy. The expanding availability of mobile devices, improved internet access, and the rise of online gaming platforms will further fuel this growth. Africa's enormous untapped market potential, coupled with strategic marketing and innovative approaches, promises tremendous profitability for companies venturing into the gaming industry.

Mordor Intelligence Research & Advisory. " ." Mordor Intelligence. Accessed June 10, 2023.

To harness Africa's full potential in the gaming market, several key developments must take place. First, the establishment of specialised gaming schools will cultivate a knowledgeable and dedicated gaming community, fostering growth and innovation. Second, governments must invest in gaming infrastructure, including gaming centers and improved internet services, to create an environment conducive to the industry's expansion. Finally, the gaming industry should develop more games tailored to the female audience, encouraging greater inclusivity and providing equal opportunities for women in the gaming world.

Protecting intellectual property is of utmost importance. The implementation of robust legal and regulatory frameworks, including anti-piracy laws and adequate remedies for copyright infringement, is crucial to safeguard the interests of game developers and publishers. Governments should also provide the necessary tools, such as digital rights management solutions, to protect intellectual property effectively.

As Africa's gaming market continues to flourish, businesses that seize this golden opportunity will unlock unparalleled success. According to market analysis, the Africa Gaming Market is estimated to reach $3.3 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.62% to reach $3.9 billion by 2028.

Africa is witnessing a technological revolution, with enhanced internet connectivity and advancements in mobile technology driving this evolution. The rise of 5G networks and the increasing adoption of smartphones are propelling the gaming market forward. The number of internet users in Africa has grown significantly, and the penetration rate is expected to rise further, providing a fertile ground for the gaming industry to thrive.

Among African countries, Nigeria holds a significant market share. With a large population of young middle-class Nigerians and improving internet penetration, Nigeria offers tremendous growth potential for the gaming industry. The country's gaming market is diversifying, with a shift towards social gaming and increasing revenues from various gaming categories. Additionally, Nigeria's mobile penetration rate is on the rise, presenting ample opportunities for the mobile gaming sector.

The African gaming market is highly fragmented, offering numerous opportunities for new players to enter and thrive. Leading participants in the market include Kucheza, Kagiso Interactive, Nyamakop, Celestial Games, and Kuluya, each making significant contributions to the industry. Recent developments, such as partnerships and investments, highlight the industry's growth trajectory in Africa.

Africa's gaming market is a force to be reckoned with, driven by the passion and enthusiasm of its vibrant gaming community. As the continent continues to unlock its gaming potential, the industry's future shines bright. With the right strategies, investments, and dedication, Africa is poised to revolutionise the global gaming market and secure its place at the forefront of the industry.

*Mordor Intelligence Research & Advisory. . Mordor Intelligence. Retrieved June 10, 2023, from